Catholic University School

6th Year Parent Information

Dear Parents & Guardians,

As you may know the CAO application process opened on Monday 6th November 2023.

All our students have been given a copy of the CAO 24 handbook. I have taken the liberty of equipping you with this resource as well.  Further to that I have also attached a CAO Parents Guide which is very useful. I have also included a link to a video instruction guide. 

The whole process can seem daunting for the boys, it needn't be. May I suggest that as a first step students should log in and create an account and get their CAO number. They can put down a choice or two if they wish but there is plenty of time for this over the coming months. 

I have asked all our 6th year students to set goals for the tests they are currently undertaking. I have also asked them to input their results once they receive them.  They also have been asked to have all their self-assessments completed. You may wish to talk to them about these results and have a look at their work, which can be found on . If you would like to discuss any of these matters with me, feel free to email or call the school. 

Video Instruction Link;

Best Regards,

John Curran
Careers & Guidance Counsellor
Tel: +353 1 775 6800

